Join us on June 10, and discover how to have a positive impact on
Women in Leadership
This event will look at the data to understand where we are and then we will dive into an opportunity to make your organization better and how to assist women into leadership roles.
This Happy Hour qualifies for 1 hr HRCI/SHRM CE!
Featured Speaker:
Camille McKinney – Leadership Coach, Speaker and Consultant at Leveraged Leaders
Camille McKinney is a Leadership Coach, consultant and speaker at Leveraged Leaders; she helps women leaders design and express their unique leadership brand so they can up-level their results and achieve what they REALLY, REALLY want. In Camille’s experience, women often come to coaching with a very specific goal around changing the results they're currently getting, wanting the ‘how to’ to change those results. What coaching quickly reveals is that it’s less about what you need to DO differently, and more about how you are showing up, driven by limiting beliefs that get in the way of you showing up INTENTIONALLY. Additionally, what you’ll come to realize is that the changes you make through coaching multiply throughout your life, allowing for an expanded level of transformation.
Before becoming a professional Leadership Coach and Consultant, Camille worked for over 25 years as a training and performance consulting professional in the banking and healthcare industries, most recently leading a team of sales training professionals. Camille’s commitment to demonstrating effective leadership and empowering her team to be their best resulted in Great Place to Work employee engagement scores of 100% two years in a row! Camille brings her experience in leadership, Emotional Intelligence, performance consulting and training to support leaders in revealing your personal leadership advantage, both in business and in life.
She has a degree in Business Management and has completed Coach U’s Core Essentials and advanced coaching programs. She is a licensed facilitator of Corporate Coach U's Coaching Clinic™, a training program that is delivered as part of a comprehensive, interactive learning experience, Empowering Performance Through Coaching.
Camille is also a certified facilitator for Linkage’s Advancing Women Leaders Academy, a nine-module learning experience, delivered on site, that seeks to equip women with actionable steps and practices to address the barriers that impede their advancement in the workplace.
Camille is active in the Los Angeles International Coach Federation (ICF) 2018, she joined the ICF Los Angeles board as Secretary, and is currently ICF Los Angeles' 2021 Immediate Past President.